Refraction seismology deals with the investigation of refracted wave seismic velocities. The analysis relies on the precise measurement of the propagation time between an energy source and the vibration captors, also called geophones. Refraction seismology sections enable us to define the present lithologies and also their geometry and velocity variations within.

Evaluating the targeted depth before commencement allows a proper selection for the size of the seismic spread and acquisition geometry. The choice of the seismic source must be optimized as a function of the targeted depth. Factors such as ambient noise and terrain accessibility influence the choice. Often, seismic spreads are gotten with a seismic gun or sledgehammer, although, a more powerful source can be used.

  • Rockhead profiling/ Bedrock mapping

  • Competency of bedrock for excavation needs ( rippability studies)

  • Assessment of bedrock geometry

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